What is a template?

Rungutan allows you to create templates that support non-scripted workflows in order to generate load test cases that simulate user interaction with your APIs.

Furthermore, your entire team can reuse these templates to generate test cases without writing them from scratch each and every time.

How do I create a template?

All you have to do is create a test as you normally do, but instead of running it, you click the "SAVE as template" button.

Your template will inherit the name of the "test_name" property and will be referenced in the "Templates" section of the platform.

How do I reuse a template?

Again, starting from the "Dashboard", when creating a test simply hit the "LOAD from template" button and a list of all your available templates will pop up.

Select the item from the list and your Test Editor will populate with the exact same values of the template.

What are the normal use cases?

Using this logic, you are able to define complex test cases with minimal code development and fast resolution by reusing existing test logic instead of starting from scratch.

Our clients usually use this feature in order to define bare-level templates that are reused based on the different environment (staging, production) that their platform has, without the need of setting different headers and methods each and every time.

If you're interested in reading the documentation, you can check it out in our Documentation - Templates page.

See it in action !